I had an arrange marriage at 19. My in-laws werenot ready for further education eventhough i struggled myself nd managed time for my study after house chores. After some year i engaged on job too because i never got any kinds of support from my family nd so called husband too. After some years i became mother of a son after that my responsibility was added eventhough i managed my job study time for baby nd house chores was compulsion. My husband was out of country nd whenever he come on holiday he never helped me nd due to his no help nd pressure of everything on me made communication gap between us bcz firstly i didnt get free time nd whenever we used to make conversation it turned into argument nd i didnt like to talk with him....as time was passing i completed my masters degree along with all responsibility....as my heart was broken from husband i started to talk with a man who never tried to ruin my life bt used to motivate me for further career nd husband knew it nd i stopped talking with him..due to pandemic husband is at home ....as i didnt get any kind of support from him my love had already died towards him whole day he doesnt want to talk bcz every talk converts into argument  tried to kill me by pressing my neck twice at that moment i thought it was last day of my life then i called my dadmom nd i m at my dadmom's house...i don't want that relation anymore bt everyone says me u have to think about ur son nd go back nd continue that relation bt as i m qualified nd have a job i can work hard for my son's future but u know our society nd their perspective towards single mom its all i have to listen whole day...my in-laws keeps on calling me nd says our son is sorry for what he did bt its been abt 20days neither he text nor called me saying sry....plz help me what shall i do??

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