Bhopal : Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan has condoled the death of Group Captain Varun Singh, who was injured in a helicopter crash near Coonoor, Tamil Nadu. Paying tribute, Chief Minister Shri Chouhan tweeted- “Captain Varun Singh was the sole survivor in this helicopter crash who was fighting for life till now. The Captain, who was awarded the Shaurya Chakra, spent every moment of his life like a warrior and he also lived the last moments like a warrior. He will always be in the memories of the country. The nation lost its brave son today in the form of Group Captain Varun Singh, who was injured along with CDS Bipin Rawat ji in a helicopter crash in Tamil Nadu. He always served Maa Bharati with pride, valour, professionalism and dedication. His service and dedication will never be forgotten.